I can barely write this and have put it off as long as possible, but I think everyone who has visited me and left sweet comments deserves to know why I have been silent. On Friday January 27, my elderly parents were hit by a truck. The impact was on the passenger side where my mother was sitting. She was killed instantly. My father is in critical condition with chest injuries. I can't believe my mother is gone, she was taken in an instant. I'm grateful that she didn't suffer and I'm sure she was gone before she even realized what happened. My family is lost and dazed. My parents were married for 65 years I fear that my father will not be able to go on without her and his time with us will not be long. I have to be away from the blog for awhile while I try to cope and be of comfort and help to my family where I can. To everyone who has visited and to my new followers thanks for stopping by and thank you for honoring me by following my blog. I will get back to you all when I can.
Neutral Easter Table
22 March 2016Christmas 2015
17 December 2015Budget Friendly Halloween Table
26 October 2015Soft and Neutral Falll Table
15 October 2015Fall 2015
22 September 2015Crushed
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Well this has been along time coming, but I've finally painted and shot a few pictures of my buffet. I bought the buffet almost a year ago and painted it right before Christmas. Here is the new look,
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
There are some very large birds hanging around in the very tall trees behind our house. I think they are some kind of buzzard or hawk. I did a little research on what I thought they might be but I'm stiil not sure. I'm nervous about them because my female Bichon is very small and I know that some types of hawks can eat small animals. I got the camera out and took a few shots. If anyone knows what these guys are please let me know. They were near the top of a huge tree, this is the closest I could get with telephoto lenses that came with my camera.
Monday, January 2, 2012
I hope every one had a wonderful Christmas and your New Year started out great. I'm so excited to tell you that my husband surprised me with a new camera. I had no idea that he was planning this. A big box arrived for me and when I opened it and saw what was inside I almost fainted! I went right into the ugly cry LOL. He got me good, he and my daughters kept this secret from me for days. I can't believe no one slipped before the camera came. This is the camera I received,
My camera came with a carrying case two lenses and a strap. It was a great package deal and I'm so grateful to my husband for this gift. Here are a couple of not so good shots of Bijoux and Paris taken when I was clueless. I took them on the day the camera came.
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